Building A Ohio Brooder For Chicks

The Following Material Are Needed To Build A 4'x4' Brooder:

* One 4'x 8' sheet of plywood 1/2" ( the thicker the warmer)
* One 2"x 4"x 8' for legs
* Two porcelain light fixtures (light bulb sockets)
* One 150 watt heat bulb
* One 250 red tented heat bulb
* 15' Of electrical extension cord with plug
* 1 Small Box of 2 1/2" screws

Now To Start Building

To begin cut plywood in half giving you two 4' x 4' pieces. Set one of them to the side to use for the top of the brooder. Cut the other piece down to four strips 1' wide (by 4' long). These pieces will be the sides of the brooder. On the same four pieces lay them in front of you one at a time and make a pencil mark 3" down from the top. Make sure to mark all the way across the 4' with your pencil. This will help when you construct the brooder.

Next to cut the 2"x 4" into four 13" long piece, the rest of the 2" x 4" is not needed. This should leave a 4" opening at the bottom of brooder for chicks to enter.

Now to start constructing the brooder and it's nice to have a helper. Stand the brooder top on one of the ends, then place one of the brooder sides onto the edge of the top, lining the pencil mark with the top of brooder. Once in place screw through the side into the top. Repeat this process all the way around brooder. Finish by screwing a leg in each corner.

Curtain Boards can be made to cover sides to the floor if a draft is a problem. (Not figured in this plan)

Now to install the 2 light fixtures and wire them. Make sure you center the lights on each end and also make sure they are not too close to the top or it will get very hot. Once complete plug in the lights and monitor often to make sure things are not too hot. Then add chicks and enjoy!


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